


 12月26日~27日に第15回全国高校生英語ディベート大会が開催され、大宮高校英語部は、過去10回の全国大会出場のうち最高の3位入賞を果たしました。論題は「2035年の化石燃料自動車の廃止」。地球温暖化、再生可能エネルギー、電池開発、資源開発、大気汚染、自動車業界再編(CASE, MAAS)など、まさにホットなトピックで、社会情勢が日々変わる中、11月初旬の県大会優勝後も、ぎりぎりまで論を詰めて臨んだ全国大会でした。コロナの影響を受けて、練習試合、県大会も含めてすべてオンラインという慣れない環境でしたが、1,2年力を合わせて総力戦で臨むことができたことを嬉しく思います。支えて下さった皆様にお礼申し上げます。


全国大会の試合の様子 左 Zoomの画面  

右 画面の向こうの相手チームに質問。後方でチームは次のスピーチの準備。


左 試合後ジャッジを待つ間は、相手チームと”Make Friends!" 今年は奄美大島の高校とも試合をしました。

中 1日目終了後の交流会もオンライン。 右 閉会式で順位発表。




Essays about the High School English Debate National Tournament written by the 2nd year members


I love English debate.

When I entered Omiya High School, I just wanted to join some culture club, because I was not good at sports. During the trial period, I dropped in on the English club debate and was impressed by senior members’ speeches. How can I speak like that? I wanted to make such an awesome speech like them!I decided to join the English club on that day.

English debate was more attractive than I had expected. It was not just giving an opinion, but preparing relevant evidences for the arguments. Of course, it was not easy for me. However, we can help each other. English debate is not an individual game, but requires all members’ efforts and preparations for the match. I really appreciate tireless efforts of all the members including members who couldn’t participate in the match.

The biggest thing I learned from English debate was “the importance of multiple points of view”. When we prepared speeches, we had to compare many pieces of evidence and choose the most appropriate one for each argument. I think this is one of the most important skills which will be required in the contemporary IT society. Also, I learned that all issues have “positive” and “negative” aspects. If we don’t discuss both aspects sufficiently, we would make a wrong choice. It is important to check the opinions from minorities in order to make more comprehensive arguments.  

Finally, I want to say thank you to all the members, and teachers who taught me English debate.



Society is extremely complicated and there is no perfect answer. What I learned from doing debate is how to choose the better way about such a difficult matter.

In academic debate we make both arguments, the affirmative one and the negative one, which are opposite. Through this I realized the situations are completely different depending on the perspectives. For example, in this year’s motion, while the ban of gasoline cars will save the patients suffering from environmental pollutants, many workers will suffer from unemployment. So, in debate we discuss what should be protected and what should be sacrificed.

We must prove why our argument is superior to the opponent’s even if there's truth in it. Without the opposite argument we can’t compare the value, or consider the way to solve the possible problems. If we cannot see them, they cannot be solved. Through this debate process, I learned that not focusing on only one argument but considering the opposite one and trying to understand it is so important to choose the better way. On every occasion, we need to make a choice. I will always keep this in mind for my own sake and as a responsible youth who will make future society.

Lastly, I thank my teachers, teammates and club members to give me these wonderful experiences.



I joined the English club for a simple reason that I like English. I had never had a debate before, and I was overwhelmed when I saw a debate match for the first time.

This year's debate topic was “That the Japanese Government should ban production and sales of fossil-fueled cars, including hybrid cars, by 2035.” The club activities were very hard for me. We had to look at a lot of different aspects of the topic. We also needed specialized knowledge. However, by working with my friends, I learned how fun it is to debate. What I found fun about debating was that practicing a lot allowed for deeper discussion. Also, debating was a great opportunity to make friends with high school students all over the country. I'm very lucky to have these opportunities.

Also, I am very grateful to be able to participate in the English debate tournament this year while the COVID19 is spreading and many club activities are not taking place.

Finally, I would like to thank our advisor teacher who has guided and supported us so many times sincerely and the first-year students who have helped us. Thank you very much!!



I’ve always thought that I have no aptitude for debating, especially for the role I was allocated in the national convention. So I tried hard and put all my energy into this role more than ever. At the national tournament, our team won the 3rd place and I received a speaker award. When my name was called, I was surprised. Actually, after the debates I regretted that I was overwhelmed by the opponent and couldn't speak well. I regretted my lack of confidence though I did everything I could in my own way. It couldn’t think of getting an award.

Though there were many tough things with this club activity, I think I was able to get through thanks to the support from the team members who gave me a lot of advice and thought together. I wish to thank them.



Through the national conference I learned continuing something is important.

Before this conference I sometimes felt I was alone because every member in my team was involved in preparing for their roles and I could not discuss my speeches. I even thought I would like to quit the club. I continued just because I thought it was my duty.

When I consider this choice now, I think it was a good choice because, as a result, I could find precious friends. I found they always comforted me when I had a hard time. If I had quit the English club, I would never have found that.

Therefore, I think it is important to continue even if that is hard because if you continue, you can surely find someone who helps you, and such friends will be a treasure for you!!                                      Mai


First of all, I want to appreciate the support of all the staff, great teachers, my family, and my lovely teammates. Without that, I couldn't have joined the national tournament. Especially I thank the staff and teachers for giving us a great opportunity in this year’s unexpected situation: the spread of the virus.

I learned many things through debate, but I want to write especially three things.

 The first one is how to argue with other people. This is very important because each person is different as you know, and we need to cooperate with each other in society. Also, to argue is the best way to make better choices. In order to argue properly, it is important to express your thinking correctly and to listen to other people's ideas. In order to express your thinking correctly, you need to have a good argument and explain it showing evidence. And you need to imagine other people's feelings. Listening to other people's ideas carefully, you can broaden your insight and make debate more interesting.

The second one is how to cooperate with other people. In debate, to cooperate with your teammates is one of the most important things. Through the debate preparation, I clashed with my teammates many times, but in the end, we understood each other more. Just to relax and convey your true feelings is the best way to have good relationships, I think.

Lastly, the third one is the simplest: how to use English! Before I joined the club, I couldn't speak English at all. Debate made me speak out what I think in English and I think that's the best way. I could learn English with fun!

I want more people to know how interesting debate is, and to enjoy debate!

Therefore, I think it is important to continue something even if that is hard, because if I continue, I can surely find someone who helps me. And such friends will be treasure for me!!



There is a saying that life is a series of choices, and I believe it is true.

I think that the source of the driving force of human society is individual choices. For example, in this year’s debate, the choice of whether customers choose EVs or not influences the company’s strategy. Also, the government's choice of introducing renewable energy determines whether EVs are eco-friendly or not. Debates are also formed by various choices. For example, the choices of which arguments to use against the opponent's argument determines the direction of the subsequent debate. Even a small difference in choice can lead to victory or defeat.

I chose not to participate in the national championships as a debater, but chose to support the team. There were various background factors in this choice. This choice will try to make me regret for a while from now on, but I will never regret it. Regret comes only when one cannot concentrate on one's own thoughts, namely, when one cannot do one's best. I did my best. Since we are not gods, and this world is not a game, we cannot go back and choose again. Neither can we expect the outcome when we make our choices. It is therefore usually impossible to choose the best option. All we can do is do our best. In order to make the best of this experience, I want to do my best in my future choices, too.

Finally, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to those around me who respected my choice and those who supported us.
